Monday, May 9, 2016

Grumble-Grumble (aka: Fluids Only Sucks!)

Here's a short update on how I'm coping on Day 5 of my Fluid Only diet.  (I miscounted and said Day 4 in the video.)

On another note, a high school classmate posted this picture of me, and it got me to thinking...
This is an actual picture - the only editing I did was to crop out the others in the image.
I was about 16 in this picture, and I hated my body. I thought I was so horrifically fat and ugly.  The sad part is, I remember feeling fat and ugly for at least 6 years before this picture was taken, too.
Yet, here I am nearly 20 years later, and this is what I strive to look like once again.
The point is, please, be honest, but be kind with yourselves. Don't look at yourself or your body through the dark lenses of self loathing and insecurity, and stop comparing yourselves with the images in the media that were created through photo shopping or plastic surgery.
I was once as beautiful on the outside as I am on the in, and I wasted those moments feeling ugly. I may never, ever look like this girl again, but dammit, if I gain nothing else through this experience, it will be to take advantage of every moment and to stop holding myself to unrealistic expectations.
I hope you do, too.

Please be kind.

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